5 Women Share When They Feel the Most Fearless

Fear is normal. It keeps us safe. It can even motivate us to get our ducks in a row.

But every woman knows that moment, when you hit your stride, and a surge of fearlessness surges through you. The moment where you know, “I got this.”

It’s a get up and go after it feeling that is empowering. And contagious.

So we asked five women to share when they feel the most fearless. We encourage you to do the same in the comments and pass on the good vibes.

Allie Greenberg, Senior Brand Marketing Manager, Richer Poorer

“This is corny,” says the Marketing Manager at LA’s favorite inner-wear company, “but after a really good, sweaty workout.”

“Or,” the new mom says, “when Sadie [her daughter] and I take a stroller walk around the neighborhood-- I’m so overwhelmed with happiness that nothing can touch me.”

She adds, “Wine also does the trick.”

Paige Bowen, co-founder of Bowen House

Known for their one-of-a-kind furniture pieces, the “daughter,” behind the mother-daughter team at Bowen House, says she feels the most free and fearless after delivering a custom piece to a client.

“Whenever we create really custom pieces for clients I’m always really inspired,” Bowen says. “Then, fear sets in right before it’s delivered.” Luckily that feeling doesn’t last long. “It’s probably right after I see how perfect it looks and the client loves it that I’m the most fearless. It’s like a mini-high.”

Adri Contreras, Senior Events Director, Create & Cultivate

“Fresh out of the salon,” Adri says, “is when I feel the most fearless. I color my hair. I get highlights and when they are glossy and everything is blown out, I feel unstoppable.” However the event director knows that there isn’t always time to hit up the salon, especially before traveling for big conferences. So she keeps things spruced with Moroccanoil Color Complete Collection. The Protect & Prevent Spay super easy to bring along in her suitcase. By shielding hair from environmental factors including UV rays, pollution and thermal damage, Protect & Prevent Spray helps reduce brassiness and fading at the source. And it’s proven to work. After 10 washes, the Moroccanoil Color Complete Collection is scientifically proven to extend color life and vibrancy by 100%. Those are the kind of numbers we like over here.

“Look good, feel good,” says Contreras.

Aideé Chavez, Founder @MexicanYogaGirl

Friends and fam do it for this writer and content creator.

“I feel the most fearless around the people I love and love me back,” Aideé says. “My family and friends are such a sweet place for me. When I am around them I love how I laugh and the stupid stuff I feel open to say, how all my insecurities can be on blast for them to see and yet in that, there is this power where we connect with each other in a way that gives me the energy to go out into the world feeling and loved.”

Can we get a #same?

Brittany Littleton, Activist, Rescuer & Rehabilitator @LitteLoveRescue

“I feel the most fearless right after getting through hard situations. Any time I feel afraid or unsure of myself I remember those times and look at how far I’ve come. Last year was truly the hardest year of my life,” the single mama shares. “I thought I wouldn’t get through it. Then I had my son and I felt-- fearless isn’t even the word for it. I felt invincible.”

What makes you feel fearless? Share below!!