Mastering The Mindset with Topsie Vandenbosch, Mindset & Emotional Intelligence Coach 


A lot of work goes into owning and running a business. But the hard work shouldn’t end with key marketing strategies, team growth, or connecting with clients—it’s so important to go even further and work on yourself too.  Mindset is a huge part of the entrepreneurial journey but it’s often the missing piece when it comes to reaching your greatest potential.  

Thankfully, we have today’s guest who is an expert equipped with the knowledge and tools to change this narrative. I’m so excited to introduce Topsie Vandenbosch, a Leadership Mindset coach who helps women crush the negative thought patterns and behaviors that sabotage success. 

Using her foundation in mental health therapy and a passion to help others, Topsie built proven mindset and emotional intelligence strategies. Everyday she helps 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs unearth deeper confidence and higher potential so they can scale their businesses—without spiraling. 

I’m so excited to talk to Topsie about everything from recognizing language as a tool to the mindset strategies that will launch your ideas to the next level.


  • Her upbringing, her background serving the community, and day in the life as a mindset coach.

  • How business owners can identify core values, remove limiting beliefs, and achieve their goals.

  • Leaving your ego at the door when it comes to mental health and business.

  • Combating imposter syndrome and building your business independent of other platforms.

  • Maintaining interpersonal work and business growth without feeling burnout.

  • Feeling confident and accomplished on the continuous hamster wheel that is self-development.

  • How we can slow down living in the era of instant gratification and constant connection.

  • The need to always be doing more as a high-achiever and learning how to enjoy the success.

  • How to make decisions for your business from an emotionally intelligent point of view.