Your Small Business Needs a Content Strategy—These 4 Steps

Think back to years ago or back to when you were in school. Remember everything we were taught about how to grow businesses? Now, take all of those memories and throw them out the window!

When COVID-19 came in and disrupted our lives in 2020, everything we thought we knew was turned on its head. Today, the ability to grow and add visibility to your business comes with adaptability and personality. Without the ability to change and adapt quickly, there is no way to grow- especially in turbulent times like these. As we continue to make our way through a “post” COVID business landscape, here are some simple yet effective ways to create more visibility for your business online.

Create a powerful mission statement for your business

The best thing you can do when growing your business is to know your goals and what you care about. Crafting a mission statement about what you are trying to provide to the world is immensely valuable as you try to figure out your posting strategy. This always provides a guiding light and almost a north star. At Whalar Talent, we often tell our clients that when they are posting on social media, you want to be additive to the internet. What are you trying to teach? Share? What emotions are you trying to leave people with? Joy? Humor? The more you can narrow in on your north star, the easier it will be to focus on how to get there and why.

Build content pillars on top of your mission statement 

Once you have your mission statement, you can figure out how to get from Point A to Point B by creating content pillars. For example, we represent many clients with bonafide professions, such as doctors, lawyers, artists, etc. In these fields, they can democratize information. They can share professional opinions on care or advice. They are finding ways to align with demystifying pop culture, sharing preventative tips and tricks, and sharing important reasons as to why based on years of experience and professional schooling. This helps them grow their client base, but it also continues to improve their knowledge base because now they are connecting with a demographic outside of what they are used to daily, which in turn provides value to their daily practice. 

Measure your content by engagement, not followers

Many times people really focus on their overall following, but I would challenge any business, brand, or individual to look at your per-post engagement rather than overall following. You want people to not only like your content but share feedback, questions, praise or even negative feedback to ensure that the things you continue to post are driving to your goals and mission, and sometimes the best way to do that is to hear from those who follow you. We find that higher engagement leads to higher lead generation and more conversions into sales, clicks, sign-ups, etc versus an overall following. A highly engaged community always does better than lots of passersby. 

Experiment and have fun

At the end of the day, creating content should be FUN. If you are not having fun doing this, I would advise finding someone else on your team who enjoys the creative freedom that comes with an online presence. Be ready, willing, and able to adjust and experiment. Experiment with the formats of content, with the timing of content, with the mediums of content. As the platforms and the algorithms change, so should you. Do not get too comfy in one way or another, be willing to change and have fun! Find the value this adds to your business and community, and continue to watch it grow!