Living Limitless–Kristina Zias

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What do you love most about yourself––what are you most proud of? 

I love that I truly accept myself, the good, the bad and everything in between. I am most proud of my persistence.  I’ve always believed in myself and am very determined.

What has motherhood taught you––and how has it changed you?

Motherhood has taught me patience, unconditional love and that “balance” is unrealistic.  As a working mom, something always has to give and realizing that I can’t be 100% in career mode and mom mode at the same time has allowed me to be more forgiving and patient.

Is confidence something that came naturally to you in motherhood or was it something you had to learn?

Confidence came very naturally to me.  I somehow knew what I was doing and when I didn’t, I wasn’t afraid to ask for help or admit that I didn’t know what I was doing.  

What does confidence feel like to you? When do you feel the most confident?

Confidence feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders.  Being confident is incredibly freeing.  I feel the most confident when I overcome any challenges.

How has your confidence changed with time?

Confidence is a journey and mine has definitely ebbed and flowed. As a teenager, and even in my early 20s, I was very insecure in my body and am proud that now I look at my body with such respect and appreciation.  

Do you ever have moments where you feel insecure?  What helps you to overcome this?

Of course!  I think a lot of times people view insecurities as the antithesis of confidence but I couldn’t disagree more.  Acknowledging my insecurities and working past them is a form of confidence for me and the first step to overcoming them!  Honestly, I’ve been a bit insecure about my breasts since having my son.  They have just changed so much and I wasn’t really doing anything about it, but, getting virtually fitted by Elomi, and now being in a proper fitting bra is such a game changer!  I noticed a change instantaneously!  

Who do you turn to for support in life? Describe how they bring out the best in you and empower you to live your life without limits?

I turn to my husband, my family and friends!  My husband is a big picture guy.  I am a co-founder of The Confident Collective, a women’s empowerment community, and after a successful launch party (we hosted 80 people), he said we should aim to make our future events like Coachella.  When he said that I laughed but he quickly made me feel like it was totally possible, and you know what, he’s right.

How do we raise confident children? What are some ways we can aim to be a positive role model as a parent?

By practicing what you preach, leading by example and letting them know that with hard work anything is possible. I actually recently heard this parenting tip on tiktok (I know, so deep) but it really stuck with me.  Whenever my son does something new or something I am proud of I say, “you should be so proud of yourself” instead of “I am so proud of you.”  I think this little shift in verbiage makes such a big difference!