
Snap To It: Using Snapchat to Build Your Brand

Snap To It: Using Snapchat to Build Your Brand

How's this for a snappy statistic (pun totally intended): 41 percent of teens use Snapchat, and it's the third most popular social network (after behemoths Facebook and Instagram). In the 18-29 demo—the ultra-coveted millennial age group— 26 percent cop to using Snapchat, and a remarkable 70 percent of those users are women. There are about 26 million Snapchat users in the U.S. alone, and they send a whopping 400 million snaps a day. So if your brand isn't already on Snapchat, now would be a good time to start! Here, we've got you covered with a few tips and tactics to for making the most out of it, whether you're jumping in for the first time or just want to grow your audience. Now, snap to it!