Create + Cultivate

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Rewatch the Keynotes, Panels, and Workshops from Future Summit

Create & Cultivate recently hosted our Future Summit in Austin, Texas, which brought together founders and entrepreneurs from some of the most disruptive brands in the tech and innovation industries. The conference aimed to help attendees stay ahead of the curve with emerging technologies such as Web3, cybersecurity, fintech, and customer acquisition.

Below, the keynotes, workshops, and panels provide actionable advice and resources from the speakers, who shared their firsthand experiences and expertise on timely topics and trends in the industry. Dive into the conversations below, and check out the next events to sign up for.

How To Be a Multifaceted Creator with Tinx

Tinx has continually innovated throughout her career to be in service of her audience, who consistently asks for her help with wide-ranging issues. In this talk, we'll dive into how she stays on the cutting-edge of trends and what's next.

How To Use Burgeoning Tech To Bolster Your Small Business with Victoria Mariscal

This conversation will focus on how small businesses can leverage Web 3 tactics to build stronger brands. The tenants of this talk will be about creating community, developing new ways to get your brand in front of customers, and utilizing NFTs to interact with your customers, etc.

Web3 and Beyond: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know

From open-source social media to the leaps made in AI, AR, VR, and beyond, 2023 will push forward how small business owners and entrepreneurs approach their digital footprint. In this panel, we’ll discuss a handful of these new technologies—what they are, how to use them, and where they’re headed.

The Realities of a Recession from Women at the Top

The economic downturn calls for new protocols from leaders at every level. In this panel, we’ll bring together leaders to talk about how they’ve pivoted given the looming recession, how they navigate during tumultuous times, and use technology to do so.

What EComm Looks Like in the Metaverse

Explore the intersection of e-commerce and the metaverse, including virtual storefronts and immersive shopping experiences. Follow along and fill out the corresponding worksheet here.

How To Grow a Quality Audience

Discover how to optimize business performance by incorporating AI and data science strategies into your operations—from Chat GPT to programs that help you dive deep into your company's analytics.