
Good Vibes Only: Lauryn Evarts on staying positive & building a brand

Good Vibes Only: Lauryn Evarts on staying positive & building a brand

Spend more than a few minutes on Lauryn Evart's blog The Skinny Confidential, and you will want her to be your best friend. She's smart, relatable and has a girls-night sense of humor. She's also drop-dead gorgeous with a passion for healthy living. Lauryn will be speaking at Create & Cultivate Dallas on our Brand Vibes: How to create a brand that lives beyond the blog bubble, so we caught up with her in advance here. 

Read Up: Create & Cultivate Book Club

Read Up: Create & Cultivate Book Club

We could wax on forever about the virtues of books: they're portable, they feel good in your hands, they look good in your apartment, they give you a chance to get off the internet—and most importantly—you learn something. That's why we're kicking off Create & Cultivate Book Club! Each month, we'll pick a book (we're also open to suggestions!) and invite you to read along, and in a couple of weeks, we'll check back in to see what you think. At the end of the month, we'll wrap it up and discuss how/if the book was applicable to us and what we were able to apply.

Longform: The Money of Art and How I Self-Published My First Book

Longform: The Money of Art and How I Self-Published My First Book

It's a joke among writers—if you search "working on my novel" on Twitter, you’ll get millions of results. There's even a blog dedicated to people announcing their books. Most of which never make it onto (or off the) page. My first book never did until I figured out: I was going about it all wrong. Now that I've written and published my first book, I've got a few lessons to share.