Create & Cultivate 100: Food: Tabitha Brown


While binge-watching Netflix might not be the healthiest thing to do, funnily enough, that’s exactly what inspired Tabitha Brown to overhaul her diet and reexamine her lifestyle. After watching the eye-opening Netflix original documentary “What the Health” in 2017, she started a 30-day vegan challenge—and, four years later, she’s never looked back. 

Today, the actress and vegan foodie is inspiring millions to make healthier food choices of their own with her approachable vegan recipes and her warm, joyful personality. With over 3 million followers on Instagram and 4.5 million followers on TikTok, where she shares not only vegan comfort food recipes but also positive affirmations and words of encouragement, it’s safe to say that she’s a powerful force for good in the food industry and beyond. 

Read on to find out why we’re big fans of hers both in and out of the kitchen. (Spoiler alert: her words on confidence will inspire you to live your truth, too.)

How did you make your first dollar and what did that job teach you that still applies today? 

When I was a little girl, I used to clean churches with my Grandaddy. He would inspect my work after I was done, and if I had rushed and didn’t do it right, I had to do it again. It taught me to take my time and do it right the first time.

Take us back to the beginning. What was the lightbulb moment for your business/career and what inspired you to pursue this path? 

I wanted to act ever since I was a child watching “The Cosby Show.” I also loved entertaining my family. I knew very early I wanted to entertain people.

Entrepreneurship is all about taking calculated risks. What’s the most pivotal risk you’ve taken, and how did it change your path? 

I took the risk of just being myself. For so many years, I tried to look and do what I saw others in Hollywood were doing. It didn’t work! The moment I said, I’m just going to be me and walk in my truth and not try to do anything like anyone else, my career and businesses took off.


What career mistake has given you the biggest lesson?  

Trying to be like others. I realize now I am ENOUGH, just as I am.

2020 presented everybody around the globe with new, unprecedented challenges. How did you #FindNewRoads + switch gears towards your new version of success?

I honestly felt the pain and anxiety of the world. I knew people needed some light and joy in this dark year, so I made a decision to show up and be JOY online every day for others and that led me to find a new road to success! I helped others and, in turn, helped myself!

How are you making a difference and pushing your industry forward? 

I’m helping people see food differently. Helping people see veganism differently. 

Going after what you deserve in life takes confidence and guts. Does confidence come naturally to you or did you have to learn it? What advice can you share for women on cultivating confidence and going after their dreams? 

For me, confidence came in stages, but being my most authentic self is how I found my true confidence because, honey, I don’t care what nobody thinks about me, I’m FREE! I encourage all women to remind themselves that they never have to do anything to make anyone comfortable except themselves. You are enough and you deserve to be in every room you step into!

When you separate yourself from your job title and the bells and whistles of your business or career, who are you and what do you like to do? How have you remained true and authentic to who you are? 

I am a woman, wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and friend to many. Absolutely.

For those who haven’t started a business (or are about to) what advice do you have? 

Take your time and research everything you can, but don’t try to do it like others. Figure out what feels right to you.

What is the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make with money early on? 

Not putting it back into their business.

What is your number one piece of financial advice for any new entrepreneur and why? 

Pay your taxes quarterly because it allows you to stay liquid.

With success comes opportunity, but that also means you have your hands full. What keeps you inspired and motivated to keep going even on your most challenging days? 

The responsibility of putting good energy into the world at a time when it’s needed most! 

What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs? How can they achieve the same success you've experienced? 

Be consistent, be honest, and be true to yourself.

What's the one productivity tip or work hack that truly changed your life?

Being completely free and open.

What is the #1 book you always recommend and why? 

“The Alchemist” because, most times, we are searching for success in other things beyond ourselves.

If you could go back to the beginning of your career journey—with the knowledge you have now— what advice would you give yourself? 

You are enough. Even when you hear “no,” stay true, and keep moving forward.

Fill in the blanks:

When I feel fear, I…


The best career advice I always give is…

Be authentic.

To be successful, you need to be…

Free and open to learning new things.

I turn bad days around by…

Remembering I’m alive to go through it.

If there were more hours in the day, I would…

Sleep and dream more.

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