We Can All Relate to These Hilarious Workplace Comics

Some weekday mornings can be rough, even if you love your job. We’ve all had days when we’d much rather keep lounging in bed than get up, throw on a professional (see: uncomfortable) outfit, and fight our way through traffic. Luckily, No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work, out today, is a handy guide to motivating yourself even on the most dreary days. We’ve put together seven hilarious comics by the book’s co-author and illustrator Liz Fosslien that will have you cracking up at your desk.

Some days it can feel like you’re stuck on the project that will never end, working with a team that can’t stop scheduling meetings. But remember: this too shall pass.

The upside to having to wake up super early once in a while? It keeps you grateful for your relative sleeping-in privilege.

Why do passive-aggressive bosses seem to love sending emails so much? One tip to deal with a grumpy manager is to watch for patterns in their mood. If they’re always grouchy before their first cup of coffee, make sure you schedule meetings with them after 11am.

If this illustration resonates a little too much, it’s time to finally pull up the email that’s been sitting in your inbox forever and start typing a reply. We know, we know, it’s so hard! But you’ll feel a lot better once you’ve hit SEND.

On particularly endless days, it’s okay to call in your work BFFs for a quick coffee break (aka a good “I need to get out of this office for a moment” excuse).

Speaking of work BFFs: having good friends at work keeps us positive and healthy. So take a moment to switch over to your private Slack channel and send your favorite colleagues a quick “Thank you for existing!”

Finally, don’t forget to carve out time for yourself. If you’ve been feeling overworked and exhausted all week, it’s okay to leave that networking happy hour ASAP.

Want more relatable workplace comics? Snag a copy of Liz’s new book here!