Sleep Tracker (Because Even CEOs Need Their 8 Hours)


Sleep Tracker (Because Even CEOs Need Their 8 Hours)


Sleep is good for your health, period. We all want to feel rested but getting more it, and quality sleep isn’t always easy. But here’s why you need to make an effort to try—a new study found that making sleep a priority can advance your career and sleeping less than six hours a night could lead to burnout! In short, wellness is good for business. 

But you don’t need fancy devices, smart watches or apps to do it. We designed a sleep tracker that allows you to track how much you’ve slept each night and improve your sleep over time. We also included a sleep log where you circle the time you went to bed and the time you woke up. Track it for a month and hold yourself accountable. This will push you to make improvements and develop a better sleep strategy that has you waking up refreshed and feeling blessed.


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