Small Biz Summit Panel- Building Big


Digital Small Biz Summit

Building Big: How to Grow a Team & Biz Successfully


So you’ve made the decision to grow your business—congratulations! If you thought that was tough, now the next big challenge begins: Scaling your business for growth! Even if you manage to sell like crazy, you’ll soon have another problem: you have to be able to deliver to all those new customers.

So you've launched your business, now what? We all know that having a good business idea is just the beginning. It’s how you turn that idea on paper into a product that takes strategy and stamina. 

Building a brand from the ground up is no easy task but building a team and a culture to scale it is a whole other business entirely. In this chat, we discover what it takes to scale, grow a team, and stay on top of cash flow to see your business thrive.


Morgan Mercer | Founder and CEO, Vantage Point

Arian Simone | General Partner & Co-Founder, Fearless Fund

Sharifa Murdock | Co-Owner of Liberty Fairs and CEO of ENVSN Fest



Marla Blow | SVP of Social Impact for North America, Mastercard


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