Living Limitless–Rochelle Johnson

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What do you love most about yourself––what are you most proud of?

I love my heart the most. I’m very empathetic and I automatically think about how my actions and words will affect others. I’m also very independent. It’s one of the attributes I learned from my mother and very grateful for. 

What has motherhood taught you––and how has it changed you?

Motherhood has taught me soooo many things. First and foremost it has taught me to never judge the actions of other mothers. It can be so damaging when that judgement is vocalized. I also have learned how to advocate for my children and trust my instincts.  Which can be hard as a more soft spoken person but I know that If I don’t advocate for them, no one will!

Is confidence something that came naturally to you in motherhood or was it something you had to learn?

Confidence in motherhood definitely has to be learned. I was so scared and unsure with my first baby it took a while to enjoy the moments. It was so hard. This time around I’m so much more confident and know that I have everything I need to handle any situation that comes.

What does confidence feel like to you? When do you feel the most confident?

Confidence is not constantly feeling bad about yourself, more specifically your body and how you take up space. Confidence is walking into a room of people that you don’t know, or that don’t look like you and not shrinking down. It’s knowing you belong and you deserve to take up space. I feel most confident when I have an outfit on that I really love, and that helps give you a boost when you walk into that room.

How has your confidence changed with time?

When I was a teenager I looked different from my friends and no one really wants to be different at that age. I honestly had great friends that never made me feel bad about my size but at the same time was insecure because they were all thin, and I wasn’t.  Now I’m a lot more confident because even though I could be the largest person in the room, and I don’t care. I just don’t think about that.  

Do you ever have moments where you feel insecure?  What helps you to overcome this?

I’m most insecure around people that I’m not familiar with. I normally have to give myself a pep talk before I arrive or once I’m there. I tell myself, you’re supposed to be here. You are worthy. I also try to remind self to be open to new places and new people.

Who do you turn to for support in life? Describe how they bring out the best in you and empower you to live your life without limits?

I turn to my husband who is also my best friend for support. He’s one of the people in the world that really knows me. When I talk to him about anything I know he’s going to give me good advice and if I don’t like his advice I will turn to google, lol.